Thursday, March 29, 2007

Unit Six

How to Improve Your Memory

What three fundamental principles underlie the use of mnemonics?
  • Imagination
  • Association
  • Location
Describe three specific mnemonic techniques that are not described in the text.

  • Link Method: This is used to memorize objects on a list. First, you take the first item on the list and make a simple association image with the item listed under it. Example: If the first word is Eggs and the second is Bowl, you can visualize cracking an egg into a bowl.
  • Story Method: This is exactly what it sounds like! You make up a memorable story featuring the items on the list.
  • Number/ Shape Method: This is used when you have to remember items on a list in specific order. You simply imagine that item in the shape of its number on the list.
Show how one of the three mnemonic devices described above can be applied to studying for an exam.

I think using the Story Method could really help on an example. An example is if you had to memorize the order of the Presidents of The United States. If you made up a memorable story that has the Presidents appear in the order they served in office, it would be a lot easier to recall the right order!

Emotional Intelligence

What undesirable behaviors are associated with low EQ?

There are a lot of undesirable behaviors that are associated with EQ. In my opinion the major ones are:
  • Not taking responsibly for actions
  • Insensitive to others' feelings
  • Insecure
  • Bitterness
  • Overly critical of others
  • Poor listening skills

Summarize the arguments of scientists critical of the concept of EQ.

The scientists that are critical of the EQ test generally say it is because of the lack of scientific research used to develop the actual test.

Describe how the concept of EQ is being used in the business world.

The business world views someone with a high EQ as having the emotional intelligence to be a  great leader. The business world also says that the EQ is twice more important than regular intelligence. The definitely assume that emotional intelligence is always a good thing.

Unit Wrap Up

I learned a lot of memory techniques in this unit. Hopefully I will be able to apply them to the final for this class! I've always enjoyed using mnemonic devices so I enjoyed reading and writing about them. I was really surprised while reading the framing techniques used by businesses. There example was that we are more likely to buy a coat for a $100 marked down from $150 then we are to buy a coat the is regularly priced $100, which I have found to be true!

1 comment:

samantha said...

In an effort to help children manage their anger and frustration - and reduce incidences of violence - schools are beginning to offer classes to raise children's EQ. It's a controversial step; many people believe that the qualities that make up EQ cannot be taught. What do you think? Can qualities such as empathy and impulse control be taught in the schools? Present your argument in less than one page. Use any information you've learned about EQ, child development, learning, and emotion to support your case.