Thursday, March 29, 2007

Unit Six

How to Improve Your Memory

What three fundamental principles underlie the use of mnemonics?
  • Imagination
  • Association
  • Location
Describe three specific mnemonic techniques that are not described in the text.

  • Link Method: This is used to memorize objects on a list. First, you take the first item on the list and make a simple association image with the item listed under it. Example: If the first word is Eggs and the second is Bowl, you can visualize cracking an egg into a bowl.
  • Story Method: This is exactly what it sounds like! You make up a memorable story featuring the items on the list.
  • Number/ Shape Method: This is used when you have to remember items on a list in specific order. You simply imagine that item in the shape of its number on the list.
Show how one of the three mnemonic devices described above can be applied to studying for an exam.

I think using the Story Method could really help on an example. An example is if you had to memorize the order of the Presidents of The United States. If you made up a memorable story that has the Presidents appear in the order they served in office, it would be a lot easier to recall the right order!

Emotional Intelligence

What undesirable behaviors are associated with low EQ?

There are a lot of undesirable behaviors that are associated with EQ. In my opinion the major ones are:
  • Not taking responsibly for actions
  • Insensitive to others' feelings
  • Insecure
  • Bitterness
  • Overly critical of others
  • Poor listening skills

Summarize the arguments of scientists critical of the concept of EQ.

The scientists that are critical of the EQ test generally say it is because of the lack of scientific research used to develop the actual test.

Describe how the concept of EQ is being used in the business world.

The business world views someone with a high EQ as having the emotional intelligence to be a  great leader. The business world also says that the EQ is twice more important than regular intelligence. The definitely assume that emotional intelligence is always a good thing.

Unit Wrap Up

I learned a lot of memory techniques in this unit. Hopefully I will be able to apply them to the final for this class! I've always enjoyed using mnemonic devices so I enjoyed reading and writing about them. I was really surprised while reading the framing techniques used by businesses. There example was that we are more likely to buy a coat for a $100 marked down from $150 then we are to buy a coat the is regularly priced $100, which I have found to be true!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


What specific temperaments does the Keirsey Temperament Sorter identify? List the personality types that are identified by the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and explain how they are derived from these temperaments.


The rational temperament is the knowledge seeking personality. They trust in reason and are often overachievers. Rationals only make up to 5-7% of the population.


Idealists are empathetic, speak metaphorically about their ideal world, and take great interest in social development. They have unique identities and search for deep relationships. They are the identity seeking personality. Idealists make up to 8-10% of the population.


Artisans are the sensation seeking personality. They are very spontaneous and enjoy having an impact on others. Also tend to be graceful in action, daring, and confident. Educationally they go for the arts. Artisans make up 35-40% of the population.

The Guardians

Guardians are the security seeking personality. They trust legitimacy and strive for membership. They tend to be reliable, respectable, and can be found doing good deeds. Guardians make up 40-45% of the population.

Identify one historical figure or current celebrity that exemplifies each of the basic temperaments identified by the Keirsey Temperament Sorter. Explain why this individual's personality "fits" a specific temperament.


  • Albert Einstein: His accomplishments for the science and math fields truly fulfill the rational's knowledge seeking personality. Rationals educationally chose science and Einstein's contributions to the field are huge.

  • Mohandas Gandhi: Idealists are skillful in the handling of people and that was Gandhi's talent. Gandhi was able to free India and its 500 million people from the British Empire, without any violence.
The Artisans

  • Bob Dylan: Artisans operate artistically. Dylan wasn't interested in political action, he just liked writing songs and performing to have an impact on people. He never wanted to go and physically change the world, he just enjoyed singing about it.

The Guardians

  • Mother Teresa: Guardians are concrete in communication and cooperative in implementing goals. Mother Teresa never wanted to be the boss, she was cooperating with her order from God to protect those who were in need. Through her excellent communication she was able to from 570 missions all over the world. She was reliable, she worked long hours and no task was too large. She did good deeds by taking care and watching over the poorest of the poor.

After taking the test yourself, do you agree with your scored profile? Why or why not?

My scored profile was The Guardian. I saw myself a lot in the description of this profile. It said that a guardian has a lot of fun with friends but is quite serious when it comes to duties and responsibilities. People have always noticed that about me. When I'm at work and school, I am so serious and focused on my goals. Outside of work and school, I am so goofy... people can't even believe I'm the same person! My profile also said that I am not good at winging things, which is true. I always have to be really prepared to do well and I have to study a lot. Also like a guardian, I take change very gradually!

The scientific validity of some "trait tests" of personality (such as the Myers-Briggs) has recently been questioned. Is there reason to believe that the Keirsey Temperament Sorter has greater validity? Does the site offer empirical support for its claims?

The site believes that that the Sorter is just reliable as a Myers-Briggs. They do not have official statistics on the reliability or validity because they dub that information as meaningless.  The believe it is not the actual questionnaire that is important, it is the descriptions they provide of the temperaments and sorters that are important which are reliable.

Exploring Social Psychology

Briefly summarize three recent examples of social psychology in the news.

  1. Recent studies have found that transcendental meditation can help the mental and physical health of those experiencing heart failure. The studies found that the meditation improved high blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease.
  2. The death of Rebecca Rileys's death, a two year old who died from taking power psychiatric drugs has risen a lot of controversy. It has been found that many of the drugs have not been tested enough on children and have not been approved my the FDA to be used by children. It is controversial because many people feel that the drugs help their children live normal lives but others argue that diagnosing children with psychiatric illness as young as 2 years old is too soon.
  3. New research in the field of childcare will appear in the March issue of Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. The research is regarding how the quality of childcare relates to the development of language components. It was found in children of similar family backgrounds that those with the low quality childcare has less advanced language development than those with the high-quality childcare.

Give three examples of social psychological principles in humor.

Gender roles, norm violations and perceptions

List 10 steps for effectively negotiating the purchase of a used car.

     Step 1: Starting out.
     Step 2: Locating the right used car.
     Step 3: Used car bargains.
     Step 4: Research your prospective used car.
     Step 5: How much can you afford?
     Step 6: Set up financing for your used car.
     Step 7: Used car markets.
     Step 8: Test driving a used car.
     Step 9: Negotiating for a used car.
     Step 10: Closing the deal.

What are the top 10 "rejection lines" used by women and men?
     10.You are like a brother/sister to me.
      9. There is a slight difference in our ages.
      8. I'm not attracted to you in THAT way.
      7. My life is too complication at this moment.
      6. I already have a boyfriend or girlfriend.
      5. I don't date co-workers.
      4. It's not you, it's me.
      3. I'm concentrating on my career right now.
      2. I'm celibate.
      1. Let's be friends instead.

Unit Wrap Up

What was something you learned in the unit? What other points do want to share about the unit?

During this unit, I was able to expand my definition and thoughts about personality. I found Freud's studies very interesting, I know his studies aren't the most scientific but they do serve as a base of what we know today. I think he did a good job in his psychology studies considering the limited information that was available to him at the time. I've always enjoyed personality studies and learned the "big five factors". The five personality dimensions are stability, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. I also had a great time taking the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and learned a lot more about myself and other people.